Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Website Repurposing - Interventionist Design

I'm a very faithful person but I deplore organized religion and the horrific hypocracies they spout. Kill Infidels. Love thy neighbor. Homosexuals are abominations. Women don't have the right to enable themselves to be on an equal footing with men. 72 Virgins. Only 144,000 saved. All of it is utterly rediculous. God is the clockhmaker, leave him out of this mess. Reason, logic, and compassion should be our dogma not biased rhetoric based on pure science fiction.


  1. Great job on this, way to get after that animated banner. Text seems to be in line with your intervention and it looks right at home on the site. Please add the URL of the site that you are re-purposing; it will make your site look even better.

  2. The part I liked most was the effort that you put in to make multiple banners. What was nice about that it made a couple of different looks for the website. By doing both I am now able to see that the website looks better when there is an actual a picture in the header, not just a vector based artwork. Good Job!
