Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Questions for Discussion: Chapter 4

In the past major technological differences separated video artwork from film; connections were dwaeb between film and abstract formal art; and video and modern art.  Modern Art is considered a dead or dying branch of art... given the changes in technology do you think that video has merged with film, died out, or evolved into something new?

Do you think the video art created with modern conveniences like inexpensive, compact high quality video recorders and professional quality home video editing software is more or less effective or genuine than the video art created before such conveniences existed and the portapak was the height of technology?

Today there is more equality between men and women artists, in the past many resorted to explicit content to make a point, how do you think that has affected our perception of feminine art?  Do you think it affects the purpose and need for feminist art created t

Reflect on the validity of this statement:

Guy de Bord... "saw that a distracted public relying on television as a source of news, information, and cultural products could become unaware of its political and commercial manipulation of the mind transmitted directly to their living rooms while feeling they were in control through their remote control options.

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